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my gut and energy is flowing again. It is amazing what quantum healing can do. Aurélie discovered so much pain and trapped emotions that could be released. We as a family understood that we need a break from travelling. We rented a house on an island and just have a daily routine. Every one of us get some space, to work, to play, to get some me-time. Because of getting my intuition back we were able to take this decision. We are living our life and when something is not feeling right anymore, you can change it.


Aurélie brought me back on track, made me trust the universe again. Already listening to her voice messages feels like a healing for me. Her energy only through her voice is already mind blowing. I always love to connect with her and even we have never met in person she feels so close to me. Thanks Aurélie for helping me and my family to get back our energies. We will be back. The world would be a better place if everyone had an Aurélie."


Jana - Thailand, summer 2024

​"Depuis le soin j'ai l'impression de voir avec plus d'acuité les événements de la vie de l'intérieur comme si je les regardais avec un oeil intérieur. [...] Je constate aussi que j'ai moins envie de parler, j'écoute et je reste dans le silence. Cette posture me convient bien. [...] 


Autre avancée, hier je suis allée à mon cours de chant. Quelle joie! Ma prof n'en revenait pas. Elle m'a dit " mais ça n'a plus rien à voir!Ta voix est placée et tes aigus sonnent bien maintenant." A la fin du cours je n'ai ressenti aucune fatigue , je ne m'étais pas battue avec mon corps pour sortir et placer ma voix justement. [...]


Gratitude encore pour la qualité de tes soins"


Martine - France, Mars 2023


"[...] For the first time in my life I am living in the present moment. My anxiety does not exist anymore because I am not living in the future or have expectations how it is going to turn out. [...] I feel lighter, free and open to the unknown. 


Aurelie's work is profound and unique. I have never encountered anyone like her. [...]"


Thais - Canada, December 2022




                  Jana - Thailande, été 2024

"Meet your reality with love. As it it now. 

No matter what the program in your mind says, your life is a piece of art. Be with it now."​​​


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On the Heart-Wall




"Don't be mistaken, quantum healing as I practice it isn't a self-development technique where we erase personality traits to be perfect according to some sort of conditioning of society. No, we compassionately meet layers of distorted perceiving, of soul wounding, of adaptability to trauma in order to make room for the authentic self to shine, without efforting.


No, this work supports charisma to emerge from the radiance of our unique personalities, of our voices, of our hearts. It helps us be who we are, which naturally commands authority.



I am proud to support leaders operate more heart-centeredly at this time.

It's a big driver for me."


to your balance and wellbeing to have the heart energy flowing."

Creating better qualities of life for ourselves simply means choosing different information to pulsate out. But that requires bringing into view the contributing 95% that is hidden in our energy fields, stored in our subconscious.

It's time 

to go Quantum

As a quantum healing facilitator I am

positive information streams you can be plugged into."




"Spooky action at a distance"


-Albert Einstein, 1947

"What would the Me that sees way ahead do, that would be for my highest good and deepest wellbeing?

*Quantum entanglement was recognized by the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, given to Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger depicted from left to right.

“In the early ‘90s,





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