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Business update Summer 2022

Dear All,​ As the month of July closes, so does Rose Energy Quantum Healing! I will be taking some time off to restore and recharge over the next couple of weeks, with sessions resuming as before on August 12th. Before I set my out-of-office, here are a few key updates I'd like to share for the business:​ - I am currently working through my Quantum Healing facilitator Accreditation, with full certification anticipated early Autumn. I am already delivering multi-dimensional sessions based on new quantum tools and an upgraded "software" (my body/ DNA template), and I have seen a marked difference in the transformation potential that is available to my clients. I expect this to solidy and strengthen as I work through/ integrate the frequency upgrades I received in training back in June, so I am really excited to be able to transmit more of this with you soon;​

- The multilingual site conversion is in progress - French clients can expect a version "en francais" to be available some time in the Autumn;​

- As a natural progression of this my session fees will increase. This will take effect some time in October, with prices moving from GBP to EUR also. Guess I am settling in Portugal for real! :)​ If you have any queries about this please feel free to drop me a DM or an email. I'm also open to suggestions and requests for content that you would like to see feature on the website/ on my social media pages, or in my service offering (new packages, add-ons, etc.) ​ Thank you for your support and have a wonderful fortnight everybody. Hope you choose/ align with experiences that make you fall in love with life, and with yourself again this summer!

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