Hi All!
Rose Energy Quantum Healing is celebrating its 250th client this week!
That's 250 beautiful hearts we had the honor and priviledge to support since we began this journey, 150 or so of those being yours reading this as over 16's. So thank you to all who have cheered us on, seen us, trusted us and have continued to do so since our creation in 2020! 84+% of you have come back to book follow-ups for yourself or your loved ones during this time, and with that number rising on the monthly I can say that I am pretty chuffed and excited for the future of Rose Energy.
In honor of this business and personal mission milestone I am offering a 20% discount on all individual sessions (emotional AND multi-dimensional, animals excluded) booked and scheduled between the 1st and 14th of september 2022. DM or email me for your coupon code, and head to https://www.roseenergyquantumhealing.com/services-fees-book-online to redeem at checkout!
So roll on September and see you all soon, across the majestic, invisible fabric of time and space xxx
With galactic love,